Before getting any cosmetic invasive skin treatment get an opinion from your Dubai Palm dentist.

Even at 25, we can notice small wrinkles on our face, especially around the mouth, and nasolabial folds and with the age, they become deeper.
As a result, we end up having a tired and old look. Another reason could be the bite, named also occlusion.
Here are some signs of a wrong bite that everyone can notice just by looking in the mirror: upper teeth do not show while talking (showing 2mm of upper teeth is considered the gold standard in dentistry), feeling that the teeth close only on one side of the mouth, discomfort and dull pain in the face muscles, neck and shoulders (especially in the morning), frequent biting of the inner cheeks or tongue, speech problems including development of a lisp.
Causes of a wrong bite:
Wrong jaws development
Jaws displacement due to trauma
Misaligned teeth
Missing teeth
Abraded teeth due to bruxism ( deep bite)
Open bite, cross bite
Abnormally or impacted teeth
Tumors in the mouth or jaw

Because of teeth abrasion or absence, the skin around the mouth gets wrinkled, the lips fall in the mouth and the person has a sad and tired face expression .The face muscles’ function is disturbed, as a consequence the lower jaw is lowering and “the second chin” appears!
Malocclusion or missing teeth can disturb the gastro intestinal function as the food is not chowed properly. Mouth breathing can also be caused by malocclusion.
The bite can be corrected at any age with:
Orthodontic treatment in case of misaligned teeth
Dental implants in case when teeth are missing
Crowns and veneers are the best option for abraded teeth
Night guard is a MUST after completing any of above treatment in order to prevent nocturnal bruxism and teeth secondary teeth wear.
If there is a combination of crooked teeth together with missing or abraded teeth , advisable to get a professional opinion from a team of specialists : orthodontist , periodontist and prosthodontist.
With dental implants, crowns and veneers the patient can see and instant positive result: the face contour changes, the cheeks and skin around the mouth gets lifted, nasolabial folds will be visually less visible, the upper lip will lay nicely on upper teeth so it will give the illusion of plumbed thick upper lip.
Secondary source educational information gathered by the author.
About ConfiDent ® Palm Dental Clinic.
State-of-the-art restorative and cosmetic dental practice awarded Leading Implant Center in GCC and the Middle East.
Our premium class practice uses sophisticated and precision-engineered German-made technology that helps us to perform all treatments at the highest level.
ConfiDent® Dental Surgery Clinic is located right in the center of the Palm Jumeirah, inside the Golden Mile Galleria Mall, building 8 on the mezzanine floor.