Dental Night guard Protection
Ночная стоматологическая капа — защита зубов на всю ночь
Teeth grinding (also known as bruxism) affects millions of people worldwide according to international Sleep Associations.
Bruxism (teeth grinding or clenching) can lead to a lot of serious circumstances such as cracked teeth due to the strong biting force, enamel chipping, worn down enamel making your teeth extremely sensitive, fracture of existing porcelain crowns, veneers, and bridges.
Not only can severe grinding damage teeth and result in tooth loss, but it can also affect your jaws, cause or worsen TMD/TMJ, and even change the appearance of your face.

An individual lab created mouthguard to stop bruxism. A mouthguard is a simple, safe, and highly effective teeth guard that absorbs the grinding pressure while preventing enamel wear and tear, reducing morning head-&-mouth aches and improving sleep issues related to grinding and clenching.
Protect Yourself From Bruxism
So why do people start clenching and grinding?
Here are some of the most common reasons:
Stress & Anxiety
An abnormal bite, missing tooth or crooked teeth.
Undiagnosed sleep disorders such as sleep apnea.
Other disorders.
Признаки и симптомы бруксизма, на которые следует обратить внимание, могут включать:
Скрежет или стискивание зубов, которые могут быть достаточно громкими, чтобы разбудить вашего партнера по сну
Зубы, которые сплющены, сломаны или сколоты
Усиление зубной боли или чувствительности
Усталые или напряженные мышцы челюсти или заблокированная челюсть, которая не открывается и не закрывается полностью
Боль или болезненность в челюсти, шее или лице
Боль, которая ощущается как боль в ухе, хотя на самом деле это не проблема с ухом
Тупая головная боль, начинающаяся в висках
Повреждение внутренней поверхности щеки от жевания
Нарушение сна
К счастью, существуют инновационные способы остановить или устранить эту проблему с помощью ночного сторожа.
Отдельная лаборатория создала капу для предотвращения бруксизма. Капа — это простая, безопасная и высокоэффективная защита зубов, которая поглощает давление скрежета, предотвращая износ эмали, уменьшая утренние головные и ротовые боли и улучшая проблемы со сном, связанные со скрежетом и стискиванием.
The goal is to protect your teeth from being damaged, stop the tooth wear & relax your muscle tension.
The fabrication of a quality mouthguard is a combination of:
An experienced dentist that will guide a laboratory technician correctly to fabricate your tailored night guard.
Precision digital equipment that can capture your existing condition & help to create a mouth guard for your specific needs.
We do not recommend using over-the-counter DIY guards since they can do more harm than good.
At ConfiDent® Palm Dentist, we offer personalized, high-quality, fabricated to your specifics - dental night guards that will:
Give you a comfortable digital bite impression
Custom-fit for all teeth alignments and teeth sizes
Protects teeth
Durable & sustainable material
Sustains normal wear and tear for up to six-eight months
Ensured to stay in place throughout the entire night
Relief for headaches and jaw pain associated with grinding and clenching
If you can’t remember the last time you woke up feeling refreshed, it may be that you’re worried or stressed out. Try to practice relaxation activities that will he put you more at ease and away from your stressors.
Good sleep is essential to a healthy life - Sleep well, protect your teeth and wake up pain-free!
Book An Appointment Today
State-of-the-art restorative and cosmetic dental practice awarded Leading Implant Center in GCC and the Middle East. Our premium class practice uses sophisticated and precision-engineered German-made technology that helps us to perform all treatments at the highest level.
ConfiDent® Dental Surgery Clinic is located right in the center of the Palm Jumeirah, inside the Golden Mile Galleria Mall, building 8 on the mezzanine floor.
Request an appointment or speak to a Patient-Coordinator today.
Contact us at +971 42 40 40 21 or tap the WhatsApp button below.